Due to unforeseen circumstances, our front desk will be closed today. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. Online enrollments will still be processed as usual.

Personal Fitness Training Programs in Plymouth NH: Man tying sneaker to train.

Personal Training Program

Personal Fitness Programs
If you have some fitness background but need motivation, meet with a trainer one time and have written instructions prepared just for you. Then come to the gym at your convenience, follow the instructions, and do the work.

Retrain your lifestyle at Workout 24/7 today!

  • Affordable, Only $125.00
  • Gym Membership Required
  • One Time Session with Trainer

Health Insurance accepted. Your gym membership or personal training may be covered under your insurance!
Ask Workout 24/7 Fitness Center for additional information.

Purchase a Personal Program for $125.00

You will be directed to PayPal for payment.