Due to unforeseen circumstances, our front desk will be closed today. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. Online enrollments will still be processed as usual.

Personal Fitness Traiiner in Plymouth NH

Meet the Trainer


Hi my name is Tina. I started my fitness journey in the late 80s. Once I started educating myself, my determination was unstoppable. My love for fitness and helping others grew tremendously.

I realize it takes motivation, determination and consistency to succeed. Although it may not always be easy and you may face a few hurdles, you can be sure that you will eventually look at your body in a whole new light.

You will not only look good but you will also feel better, happier, and more confident. All you have to do is take the first step on the journey to your new life.

Tina, one of our personal trainers